saving the world

International Trends 2020: The Smart Grid

Researchers across the world are revitalizing their interests in power grid technology and solving many electrical engineering problems that otherwise lay dormant for decades. To Cisco certified networking enthusiasts such as myself, one particularly interesting area of smart grid research is power packet routing. To the layman, this essentially combines the internet and electric power distribution, so your devices can be connected to the internet by simply being plugged in. This helps IoT devices quite a bit.

International Trends 2020: Climate Change

Our world does not need to deal with billions of hungry people. Instead humanity needs to ensure every last person on the planet is fully enabled to contribute their maximum potential because we need every one. With optimal contribution of net human potential, overpopulation doesn't burden us. It instead empowers us to reach our full potential.

Facets of Greatness: Understanding the Political System

The Articles of Confederation may have been a more idealistic government, but let's be serious here: do you really think they intended that to last? Not really. It was good enough. Good enough to give our founders about a decade to figure out what would be great enough to last centuries. That's what I mean. Yeh, Thomas Jefferson might have wanted the Articles to last. It didn't have the power or mechanism to tax states. That's like asking the Red Cross to run your government. But this is what I mean: they knew it was going to play out like that. And what would you do?

Facets of Greatness: Congressional Power Structures

Your understanding of the system is your most valuable asset. You can't forget that. Your understanding of how things really work. And politicians know that. People in general know that. Some people will tend to obfuscate a system, so it appears to work in one way, but there are other, less visible factors at work. How you model the system and perceive the relationships between people is incredibly valuable. This is in constant flux. It's not going to be the same from year to year. The only constant is change. Just because you figured out how it worked in 2010 doesn't mean it's going to be like that in 2020. The ability to anticipate that change is powerful as well.

American Eros: Or How to Fell A Souley

I had a sudden inspiration to write down the perfect love scene. It came to me on Wednesday. I was wondering why I've never had that love at first sight experience. And then I thought, why should sight be involved? Could someone fall in love without ever seeing someone? What would that be like? My head started spinning...

Viral Introduction of Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer

There are myriads of autoimmune diseases out there and I’m postulating that, not only are many of these incidencts unnatural, many of these diseases may in fact be unnatural.

Bill Gates Calls for Crazy Ideas

So I saw a post by Bill Gates on LinkedIn, calling for crazy ideas. It linked to an organization calling for solutions to three new problems and a dozen others. They offered grants, which I have no interest in, nor did I have suggestions to the health problems they suggested.