
International Trends 2020: The Smart Grid

Researchers across the world are revitalizing their interests in power grid technology and solving many electrical engineering problems that otherwise lay dormant for decades. To Cisco certified networking enthusiasts such as myself, one particularly interesting area of smart grid research is power packet routing. To the layman, this essentially combines the internet and electric power distribution, so your devices can be connected to the internet by simply being plugged in. This helps IoT devices quite a bit.

International Trends 2020: Climate Change

Our world does not need to deal with billions of hungry people. Instead humanity needs to ensure every last person on the planet is fully enabled to contribute their maximum potential because we need every one. With optimal contribution of net human potential, overpopulation doesn't burden us. It instead empowers us to reach our full potential.

Divergents and Directional Antennae: Measurement and Inference

This categorical coherence looks for higher level patterns. It could identify the presence of diseases previously unknown, not because it's matching against a list of diseases and their progressions, but because it's identified unknown patterns of neurodegeneration in a patient. In addition to unknown disease progression, this could also identify the combination of drug-induced neurological damage or damage induced by the combination of diseases.

Education Goals 2016

Here's a list of things that are incredibly interesting and I couldn't live without learning. I'm hoping to learn plasma physics to get to the point where I can hang with people doing real research and maybe apply my creativity.

Divergents and Directional Antennae

I started thinking about directional antennae and reason about what kind of math would allow me to predict the shape of the energy distribution, first given idealized omnidirectional or directional antennae. And later, given the specific structure of a more realistic antenna, I hoped to identify some relationships that would allow computation of energy propagation and distribution.

The Nature of Space, Time and Information Implies Universal Language

Knowledge and information are woven onto a universal loom, transcending time and space. Knowledge travels faster than light, without traveling at all. What is the foundation of the structure of this metaphysical space, this universal loom that enables us to weave higher order concepts into language and ideas. Does this foundation form the basis for a kind of universal language? Is there some most universal language which every sufficiently advanced culture is fated to develop? Can such a language be used to transcend the temporal limitations imposed by space?

Questions On Gravity

As far as I can see, understanding gravity necessitates a shift in how we model space. I've used a few thought experiments to help simplify the important pieces. Here's a few of the more profound questions.

Ain't Nobody Got Time For Studies

Obviously, citing studies is the proper way to go about things, but I am interested in far too many topics and unexplored ideas. And I definitely don’t want to do this in a Facebook debate, where no matter how hard you research, when you’re right, your facebook friends are just going to shit all over the thread with memes anyways. That just pushes your words so far up the thread that no one will ever read them again. Doesn’t happen to me because I don’t debate on FB a lot, but I’ve seen it happen to others. I usually only discuss these topics with a select few people who are OK with differring opinions. If you’re going to spend time creating something, Facebook comments probably aren’t the best time investment.