
Consciousness as a Continuum: Life, the Cosmos and You

As senses evolve, they provide us with a bigger window to that world. As our brains evolved, they provide us with a better processing that expands that same window with aggregate information at various levels, expanding to the kind of consciousness that human beings experience. The kind that forces us to question why? Why am i here? What is my purpose? What is my directive?

American Eros: Or How to Fell A Souley

I had a sudden inspiration to write down the perfect love scene. It came to me on Wednesday. I was wondering why I've never had that love at first sight experience. And then I thought, why should sight be involved? Could someone fall in love without ever seeing someone? What would that be like? My head started spinning...

The Nature of Space, Time and Information Implies Universal Language

Knowledge and information are woven onto a universal loom, transcending time and space. Knowledge travels faster than light, without traveling at all. What is the foundation of the structure of this metaphysical space, this universal loom that enables us to weave higher order concepts into language and ideas. Does this foundation form the basis for a kind of universal language? Is there some most universal language which every sufficiently advanced culture is fated to develop? Can such a language be used to transcend the temporal limitations imposed by space?