Meditation, Conceptual Designation and Monadic Metaphysics
To produce spiritual states of mind, would there be certain neuroanatomical objectives or goals for invoking them? If you control your mind, your motor faculties, your cognitive patterns, aren't you influencing electrical and energetic flows within your body, spine and brain? So, if you understand your brain as a computer with complex, biological transistors, then changing the electrical and energetic flows, globally, regionally and circuituitously absolutely has an effect on how they regulate themselves. Further, this is a discussion of neuroanatomy as it relates to spirituality in general, with a strong focus on Buddhist meditation. Christianity and other religious traditions have practices which can evoke similar and potentially identical spiritual states of mind. Some kinds of prayer, especially when extended, force you to open your heart and surrender yourself and your mind to God.
Experiences in Meditation
There’s a lot of things I want to write about, but I fear that I’m running out of time. I’m always spending my time learning, reading and working on projects. I haven’t really spent time on myself in so long. I have like 50 blog topics piled up that I want to write about and I’m worried that if I don’t write them now, I’ll never get to. They’re all like 5,000 word articles – that’s like fucking 250,000 words I need to write. I’ve been dreaming deeply for so long now. There’s so much still buried within me that’s never made it out. I’m not sure, but I feel like some of what was within me has made a pretty big difference in the world.