computer science

Awareness Precipitates from Order Out Of Chaos

Under what circumstances does order emerge from chaos? Does it always present with stratification and interwoven hierarchical self-similarity? When do the fractal features begin to react to themselves, reflecting their own images back into themselves? This is what leads to higher levels of order in chaos. If chaotic systems yield order that compels some form of ergodicity to emerge, is it truly chaotic?

The Turing Network: A Thought Experiment for Quantum Computing

Imagine your standard Turing Machine, but something a bit different. Instead of maintaining program state in the a tape with discretized values, this Turing Network instead processes waveforms where state can be encoded in various ways, including in spectral transformations. And this is a network, not a simple machine, where state is distributed amongst various autonomous Turing Machines.

Lambda-Fu Powerup: Lenses, Prisms & Optics With Swift

This is a story about my quest to decipher the inner mysteries of functional programming. There's just not enough work out there for the beginner to intermediate functional programmer. This quest would be much easier if I found myself surrounded by other developers with the same pursuit. Or better yet, in the midst of a council of wise greybeards, who could recount days of yore, coding on Lisp Machines and Space Cadet Keyboards.

Lambda Fu Powerup: Spectra Graphics with Swift

This is a story about my quest to decipher the inner mysteries of functional programming. There's just not enough work out there for the beginner to intermediate functional programmer. This quest would be much easier if I found myself surrounded by other developers with the same pursuit. Or better yet, in the midst of a council of wise greybeards, who could recount days of yore, coding on Lisp Machines and Space Cadet Keyboards.

Our Universe is a Virtual Holographic Simulation - We Should Hack It

Not really though … But wouldn’t it be cool if it was?