
Metamodernism & Retromodernism: Wellspings of Art & Culture

In other words, because the better artist can encode their message utilizing more obscure and hard-to-ascertain means and because it's necessary for the best art to lay low under the radar, then the more proficient artists must necessarily choose between success and art. Therefore, and quite often, mainstream success is at odds with artistic expression. This doesn't mean that mainstream artists aren't good artists. However, it implies that, over the 20th and 21st century, there should be plenty of artists or artforms which completely avoided mainstream notice. That is, some of the best art was a bit too camouflaged. It stayed hidden.

Celtic Hyperdimensional Space Graffiti and Writers' Block

Lately, I’ve been struggling with Writer’s Block. But, just trust me, I have no shortage of ideas. Recently, I’ve been writing a lot and, to great chagrin, I’ve been enjoying myself quite a bit. So, I’m going to detail a few ideas for blog posts. I hope that you’ll provide me with feedback in the comments.