
Appistack is a technology stack template for startups and API-driven applications.

Designed with Hackathons in mind

Appistack enables developers to hit the ground running with an API and single page app deployed to Heroku/Divshot in less than an hour. If you follow the deploy instructions below, you’ll have a publicly facing Rails API with user registration and a single-page Angular app with CORS configured. And you can do this all for free, with Heroku, Sendgrid and Divshot. So get the CRUD out of the way and start building.

Note: Google has purchased Divshot and integrated it into Firebase. The setup instructions for Divshot are no longer relevant and the Angular app will need to be deployed on Heroku if you want a free running instance.

Appistack Project Templates


An API-only implementation of Rails with token authentication.


An AngularJS/Bootstrap soundboard app, with great examples for webaudio and canvas.


An iOS soundboard app written in bloody edge Swift 2.0. Requires XCode7 Beta 4. Set up to work with Appistack Rails. Includes Login/Signup.


An Android soundboard app with Waveform and FFT audion Visualizers. Set up to work with Appistack Rails. Includes Login/Signup.


An ionic implementation of the Angular app

other project templates could include: Backbone, Ember, React, iOS (Objective-C), Django

Using Appistack

It’s Both For Noobs and not For Noobs

While this is a great example of a containerized Single Page App that can easily be deployed to multiple environments, you still have to know Rails, Angular and/or iOS to get much out of this.

Additionally, if you aren’t familiar with how these templates are laid out, you’re not going to be able to jump right in and hack on them. And that’s an unfortunate paradox of most programming tools – and especially templates/dotfiles – they’re incredibly powerful, but at least as complicated as the problem-domain they help solve. Occasionally, a well crafted interface and mix of tools will reduce the problem complexity, but it can never be eliminated.

In other words, just having the tools doesn’t help much. You have to know how to use them. I’m providing these to show how I solve these problems as well as to reuse them myself in the future. But I’m also posting them online bc they could be very useful to anyone who wants to quickly iterate on new ideas. Do More Faster, right?

Using Git Submodules

While this project is a collection of git submodules, that’s really to centralize the docs and repositories in one place. I’d recommend against using gitmodules, unless you’re really familiar with them. Instead, just fork the templates you need, not the Appistack repository. Replacing git submodules is really confusing.

Pulling in Upstream Changes from an Appistack Template

Sidenote: So far, I’ve kept the commits atomic on each template project. This has been helpful, as I can chose to cherry pick commits onto a personal project from the appistack template upstream. Once I use Appistack to start a new project, I woudn’t usually plan on rebasing in upstream changes from the templates. However, since I’m finalizing the templates, it’s been convenient to distribute selective changes across both projects.

In these projects forked from Appistack, I have two git remotes: origin and appistack. So, once I make changes to Appistack, I can just git fetch appistack on the fork project, find the atomic commits I need and cherry pick them. It’s stll kind of a pain to maintain changes across two sets of projects, so I don’t plan on doing this for long.

Deploying to Heroku & Divshot

1) Determine Configuration

As you deploy the API and Angular templates, you’ll need to configure settings like API, Assets and Client location across each project.

If you’re going to use a domain name, get that set up with your DNS provider now. However, you don’t need one, as you can deploy to Heroku and Divshot for free without one.

2) Deploy Your API

Follow the Appistack Rails 4.2 Deploy Instructions.

3) Deploy Your Single Page App

Follow the Appistack Angular Configuration Instructions to get setup. Divshot Deploy Instructions can be found here.A

4) Configure Mobile Clients

You can try connecting to your API using additional Appistack client templates, like the iOS/Swift client.

Appistack Goals

Because these template projects are intended to be [relevantly] used again in the future, they are written in bleeding edge versions of the frameworks, like Rails 4.2, Angular 1.4 and Swift 2.0.

Generic Feature Set

The features are fairly generic. That is, for the most part, Appistack only has the features that every startup application would need to begin with. The API has token-based authentication, which is a must for Android/iOS apps. The client apps all have user registration & login built into them. The Angular app already includes UI for email confirmation and password reset flows.

There are just three models in each app: Users, Artists and Sounds. You’ll need to rip out the code for Artist & Sounds, as your app will likely use a different set of models. However, I wanted to demonstrate Appistack’s modular architecture in a very interactive way. Also, there’s some great examples of how to use WebAudio/Canvas together to implement custom audio in the web, with graphics.

Generic Technical Implementation

The technical implementation is designed to be as generic as possible, so you can just fork the projects and build on top of them. This way, you can hit the ground running instead of spending a ton of time ripping code out.

There are a few features missing, like user profile pictures. This is because the technical implementation for these features is usually specific to the technology used. A feature like profile pictures has backend technical implementation details that are determined and constrained by design decisions on the frontend. So, instead I’ve added Gravatar to the API, which returns a gravatar_url along with each user.

Limited Testing Implementation

Testing is highly opinionated and each team will test using different technologies. That’s why there is mostly no testing included in the projects. Some teams will opt for full-stack integration testing, loading separate projects in containers. Others will want to mock the API responses to run acceptance tests on each client. The Angular project has a few basic Protractor tests written using ngMockE2E. The Angular project can actually run without the API server because all the API responses have been mocked. The Rails project has a few basic unit tests included, but the idea is that you’ll be able to easily add in testing however you prefer it.

Generic API between Server/Clients

The API is designed so that both the API or clients can easily be replaced. You can easily run a Django or Clojure API and connect the same Angular app to it. Or you can build a Backbone app and easily connect it to your API – with no changes required to format of the API responses. Any API implementation will need to be configured to return authentication/registration responses in the format of DeviseTokenAuth. NgTokenAuth is used by the Angular app and there are non-Angular implementations for the same DeviseTokenAuth API responses.

Containerized for Sweet Devops

All configuration for each Appistack project is specified with environment variables. For now, technically the API is the only template to use environment variables, but the others all have configuration files set up. Examples of configuration values are: static assets url, api url, sendgrid configuration, etc.

This is part of the Twelve Factor methodology, which greatly simplifies deployment. Twelve-factor also greatly simplifies automation and orchestration of your application later on. For example, you can easily run your projects inside Docker containers, which can be snapped together like lego pieces and deployed into various environments.

So when you need to configure Amazon S3 or host your Angular Application on a CDN, these application templates are ready to be configured to do that. And for the most part, all you need to change are environment variables and configuration files.

Separated Concerns

In addition to being a template for startups, Appistack is a good example of the benefits of separated concerns in your architecture. Your API should be an great API and that’s it. It should create resources and serve data to various clients, which all expect interactions with the API to occur in a common language. When your API becomes concerned with solving too many problems, your application becomes less technically agile. Down the road, it becomes harder to try new technologies and scalability becomes a problem.

Great example: your API should not give a !@#$ about caching client-side HTML page fragments. If your application server uses memcached to cache HTML views, have fun scaling that !@#$. It’s a hard problem to solve and very expensive. Scalability is hard enough when you’re sharding your data sources and distributing your services, so why would you want an unnecessary caching layer to add another dimension of complexity? Client-side caching is not a problem your API should be concerned with, nor should it be concerned with managing or building your static assets. Fortunately API-driven Single-Page Apps, many problems are much simpler. If your API does actually need a caching layer for JSON responses, then congratulations – you probably make a lot more money than me.

Another advantage in separating your API/Client is your backend developers only need to worry about the API and your frontend developers can focus on the frontend. Both the development of backend and frontend can proceed independently. Designers will find it easier to work in a frontend-only project.

Got 99 Problems, But Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing Ain’t One

Obviously, Single Page Apps (SPA’s) have a lot to offer: improved developer productivity, more flexible frontend frameworks, and a more responsive user experience. However, the alluring simplicity of single-page apps comes with several new problems you’ll need to resolve, including CORS, static asset configuration (user uploaded assets on S3), token-based authentication and others.

When starting a new app, most developers and productivity-minded people will prefer to build it with the simplest tools. “Just get it to work” is the mantra – and it’s not all that wrong. There are a ton of problems specific to SPA’s that you won’t need to spend weeks solving if you’re just using Rails or Django. But further down the road, the benefits of an architecture with an API & SPA will greatly outweigh an architecture with just a monolithic Rails server.

But, the prevailing attitude is always “just get it working.” Just get something in the user’s hands that they can use to test the validity of an idea. The problem with this attitude is not that it’s wrong, but that it sets up an inevitable problem down the road, where you have to migrate from the Monolithic Rails architecture to a Single Page App. And in my experience, transitions like these never happen. Or if it does, it takes months. From a business perspective, it’s really hard to justify such a lengthy transition, when it requires a ton of time/money and produces little immediate benefit to your customers.

However, if there were a framework where all these complex SPA problems are already solved – and they’re not really that complex – a ton of time can be saved using something like Appistack as a starting point. Frontend frameworks are !@#$’ing magical. Both for the developer and for the customer. And if your frontend isn’t entangled in your API code, it’s a lot easier to experiment with a variety of technologies.